Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
If all clowns were like this, I wouldn't have my phobia of them.

Blog warming party! Haha. After coming full circle, I've returned to the same url all over again. Just a whim, this fickly fickle girl has. Apologies to those who bother to update their links. Say hi if you drop by!

The template is a tad bit plain isn't? But minimalism is not so bad, simplicity is beauty. I shall add more links on another day. Oh well, I really should be hitting the books instaed ow dawdling and dabbling in this kind of rubbish but I just don't jave the heart too. Sigh. To have such a childish tantrum in the midst of my A levels. Alrighty then, I've seriously have to go do some math for the LAST PAPER I'LL EVER TAKE ON THE SUBJECT tomorrow.

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